In addition to SICK stack of features we already have, we saved the best for last.
Last updated
In addition to SICK stack of features we already have, we saved the best for last.
Last updated
We HATE bonuses, right? No, wrong. We effing love bonuses. We love bonuses SO much we have decided to share them with you (who we also love). When you launch a token with XP.FUN, you will immediately begin earning a portion of the bonuses generated by your automatically LP'd tokens.
You may use the select token dropdown to navigate between rewards for individual tokens.
You can use the Bonus application to check how much you have already accrued AND to claim the bonus rewards. To query your bonus earned, use the Select Token dropdown. If needed, paste the pool address into the text field of the pop-up. The pool address is the same as the token address for the pair on either Ethervista or Uniswap.
After clicking the 'Claim' button, you will have to go through the normal transaction flow: first sign, then approval, and finally claim.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The amount of times you are able to claim may depend on your LP deployment choice when creating the token. Please verify before claiming.